Translation Policy

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The authoritative language for documents written at FIRST is English. In case of disagreement between the English language and a translation, the English version is to be considered authoritative.

A translation can be contributed by any stakeholder, not necessarily being a FIRST member. We recommend to only undertake translation when one is a native speaker or has excellent skills in the language in question. These translations must be reviewed and confirmed by at least two FIRST member teams (in addition to the translating team) which use the language as their working language.

Translations should never attempt to improve on the English version of the document, but should be written to as accurately as possible reflect the English version. Each translation will be published by FIRST with a link to the English language version.

The process for FIRST to accept a translation is:

FIRST may in some cases publish translated versions of documents. Official FIRST translations will be approved by the Board of Directors, and may be done by professional translators where no additional review is required.

The board may permit exceptions to this policy on case-by-case basis.