Memory Analysis


Tool Volatility
Target Windows, Linux, ...
Cost free
Description - is the world’s most widely used framework for extracting digital artifacts from volatile memory (RAM) samples.
- The extraction techniques are performed completely independent of the system being investigated but offer visibility into the runtime state of the system.
- The framework is intended to introduce people to the techniques and complexities associated with extracting digital artifacts from volatile memory samples and provide a platform for further work into this exciting area of research.
useful for - Memory analysis
similar Tools - Rekall

Bulk Extractor

Tool Bulk Extractor
URL GitHub - simsong/bulk_extractor: This is the development tree. Production downloads are at:
Target Windows, Linux, ...
Cost free
Description - extracts features such as email addresses, credit card numbers, URLs, and other types of information from digital evidence files
- operates on disk images, files or a directory of files and extracts useful information without parsing the file system or file system structures
useful for - memory / file analysis
similar Tools


Tool Redline
Target Windows
Cost free
Description - Thoroughly audit and collect all running processes and drivers from memory, file-system metadata, registry data, event logs, network information, services, tasks and web history.
- Analyze and view imported audit data, including the ability to filter results around a given timeframe using Redline’s Timeline functionality with the TimeWrinkle™ and TimeCrunch™ features.
- Streamline memory analysis with a proven workflow for analyzing malware based on relative priority.
- Perform Indicators of Compromise (IOC) analysis. Supplied with a set of IOCs, the Redline Portable Agent is automatically configured to gather the data required to perform the IOC analysis and an IOC hit result review.
useful for - taking memory images
- memory analysis
similar Tools


Tool Rekall
Target Windows, Linux, ...
Cost free - strives to be a complete end-to-end memory analysis framework, encapsulating acquisition, analysis, and reporting
useful for - Memory analysis
similar Tools - Volatility